Returns and Refund

Buyer Protection

Buyer protection allows you to get a refund within the protection period if your item doesn't arrive, arrives damaged, or arrives not as described.

How long does buyer protection last and how can I initiate a return/refund?
It lasts 15 days from the moment you confirm receipt of your item.

Any item is covered, with the exception of:

• Items that you have damaged yourself
• Personalised and custom-made items

How to ask for a return/refund?

Let us know what the problem is and upload any supporting info if needed (images, screenshots etc), to help you reach a satisfactory solution and make a return/refund request to our email

After analyzing the exchange/refund request and checking that everything is in accordance with the conditions bellow, we will provide you with a return shipping label upon your return request. You can choose to exchange the product, or get a refund to your original payment method.
Please note that returned products must be unworn and in the original packaging. If the returned items do not satisfy these requirements, your return will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.

When will I receive my refund?

• Refunds can take 1-10 working days to arrive dependent on your original payment method
• Any due refund can be sent to your original payment method

Final considerations to note
In certain countries, stores must comply with other relevant legal requirements (warranty, return, etc.) that may be applicable depending on your location as a shopper.
For instance, in most EU countries you will generally have a 2-year legal conformity warranty and a 14-day right to return.